We are certified real estate sales practitioners, coupled with qualification in Management and Marketing. Our years of corporate experience have enhanced our groundwork and consultancy practice. Our core belief stems from service with a difference: with absolute professionalism and integrity while maintaining the discretion clients seek. Relations with clients and agent partners are equally valued and respected.
Why Us?
We were once (and often) customers of the real estate industry; in personal and professional capacity. Every doubt and resistance clients have, we likely had them too, which is why we are upfront on the collaboration needed from clients to achieve the optimal results they desire.
Working in tandem with clients and industry partners is an integral part of the process. This holistic approach to collaborative and strategic alliance ensures success for our clients.
Before you engage our service, we seek your understanding that trust is the foundation that must be first established before all else. Most clients rush in thinking the estate sales person’s job is purely “show-and-tell” (viewings) and straightforward paperwork. The true responsibility of an estate salesperson lies in maximising the interests and value for his/her clients while minimising the pitfalls of the legal, legislative and (now) financial complexity. This can only happen when open communication is established, starting from the analysis of your property, desired closing price and loan repayments etc.
Should the above points resonate with you, you may like to know we are committed to delivering with:
- Integrity
- Accountability
- 2-way collaboration
- Clear communication
- Strategic analysis
- Creative marketing
- Maximised efforts (team)
- Clients’-interest-first policy
- Different strengths contributed by each team member
Whilst clients enjoy our utmost commitment for every transaction big or small, we endeavour to seek likewise from our clients in the form of exclusive relationships. Our brief but diverse real estate history has seen interesting scenarios arising from misconceptions clients may have:
i) Appointing multiple agents on a non-exclusive basis makes the agents work harder hence client benefits with a higher priced close.
Fact: Appointing multiple agents on a non-exclusive does create healthy competition to an extent. However, as there can only be 1 closing for the property, agents will be rushing for that single close and in doing so, the clients’ interest may be side-tracked e.g. sale of property at a lower than preferred price.
ii) Appointing multiple agents on a non-exclusive basis means the property gets more marketing and exposure.
Fact: The property may be exposed more when marketed by various agents but this does not guarantee its price. Marketing is the tool in which agents cast the net for potential buyers / tenants and these buyers / tenants naturally gravitate towards the lowest price listing for the same property. Having 3 advertisements by separate agents reflecting different prices on the same property does not lead to quality exposure or desired offers. Also, agents are less likely to focus and invest heavily on marketing a non-exclusive listing when compared to an exclusive one.
iii) Appointing multiple agents on a non-exclusive basis means no one single agent can have full control of the situation.
Fact: That is correct. Yet it does a great disservice to the client at day’s end as different messages about the same property are making rounds consecutively. Offers made by different potential buyers / tenants are too, not channelled back to a single focal point for analysis. Unless the client is highly intuitive with an acute pulse on the situation, he is less likely to benefit from a favourable closing.
iv) The buyer and tenant mindset: buyers and tenants need not pay the servicing Agent A and that Agent A should seek a commission spilt from the seller / landlord Agent B.
- To what extent can Agent A pursue his client’s interest of a lower price?
- How much bargaining power will Agent A hold when negotiating with Agent B, the indirect pay master? (Agent B’s responsibility will to be safeguard the interest of his client)
- Not all property listings apply the commission spilt scheme hence buyer/ tenant risk not securing the ideal unit.